Title, visual and debut for Uta no Prince-sama anime film
A new website opened for the new Uta no Prince-sama anime film, revealing more information. Its title will be Uta no Prince Sama Maji Love Kingdom, and will debut in 2019. In addition, the new visual of the film was released.
On February 14, a new single from ST☆RISH will be released, the song of which will be featured in the upcoming film. A similar single will be released by QUARTET NIGHT in summer 2018, while HE★VENS’s single is scheduled for the fall of the same year.
The first season Uta no Prince-sama - Maji Love 1000% aired in 2011 and the second season Uta no Prince-sama - Maji Love 2000% followed in 2013. The third in the series season Uta no ☆ Prince-sama - Maji Love Revolutions premiered in 2015, while the third one titled Utano ☆ Princesama Legend Star followed in October 2016.
Source: animenewsnetwork.com