Review: "ZERO" from SATSUKI

A review by radio producers Dionisia Lampadariou and Linta Antonopoulou.

ZERO single cover


On December 27th, SATSUKI's new single ZERO was released in digital form. As he has stated, its creation has been based on the controversy between people and the way in which negativity can affect lives, making some of us weak and some others powerful. This is a song inspired during the EPOCALIPSE 2016-2017 World Tour and its influences are distinct in the style of music, which presents an ethnic atmosphere, mixed with heavy sound and beautiful melody.



Since the beginning of the track we understand that we are going to hear something really special. At first, the oriental melodies are a surprise, but then, there’s a change in core sound and vocals. As if this was not enough, there is a third change in electropop music (in the verse) with mild vocals. The chorus is a mix of all these 3 elements that causes an explosive effect. The core and pop combination was much right to pass the message of the disruption and conflict.


Satsuki has proven to us many times that his voice is an unimaginable source of energy. He has experimented with a lot of kinds of music and can perform them with great success. He manages to combine his abilities exceptionally and offer us a compound of wild and melodic vocals. 


Knowing that all tracks are written by SATSUKI himself, ZERO is not an exception, proving once again his talent as a composer. The release of a mini album has already been announced and we are looking forward to it!

If you wish to learn more about ZERO, visit our website to read the exclusive interview he granted us.