LADYBABY continues without LADYBEARD


LADYBABY is a band that became famous for its particular style, as it consists of two cute Japanese girls and an adult man with beard and pink dresses. A few months ago, a hiatus on their activities for a while was announced, but now they seem to have returned with a member less.

On Monday, August 1, they announced on their official website that LADYBABY is not anymore in the way they used to be. Specifically, the frontman LADYBEARD will no longer be a member of the band, while the two girls Rie and Rei will continue the activities as "The Idol Formely Known as LADYBABY".

Former member stated on Facebook:

“It is with sadness and regret that I announce I will no longer be involved in the project Ladybaby or be associated in any way. [...] I'd like to send an enormous thank you to all the fans who have paid attention to and supported Ladybaby. I feel that if we managed to bring you all some smiles, then the project was a success! I deeply appreciate the support we've received and I thank all the fans from the bottom of my heart.” 

You can read the full message here and learn more details about girls on the official website


