Avanchick to make international debut in 2017
Japanese visual kei band Avanchick is scheduled to make their first overseas performance at Tokyo in Tulsa, an anime convention held annually in Tulsa, Oklahoma. While at the convention, Avanchick will hold a concert, participate in opening and closing ceremonies, host a panel, and join the VIP Sakura Dinner.
Avanchick’s video comment:
A still relatively young band, Avanchick was formed in mid-2014, while their first single “Maria” was released a few months later. Within two years of activity they are rapidly gaining attention in Japan and their first concert in late 2015 was sold out. Now, they are also garnering more attention worldwide than ever, since vocalist NOAH had been chosen to record guest vocals for the American-based recording project of the band Lightning Strikes.
Source: marinovichpr.com